Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Something is happening......

Its getting real wierd around here....Daddy and Momma keep talking about some big trip. I hope I get to go....they keep going to the boat and I am not sure that is good. They keep putting stuff on me to wear and I tolerate it but dont really like it. But anyway I get to sleep on the big bed sometimes now and whatever is fixing to happen I will be ready.


  1. Have faith, Willi. Your loyal staff (i.e. Daddy and Mamma) will take care of all your needs. This is a great adventure. Just promise me that you will not jump into the water without your staff with you. Love Debbie

  2. Willi!!! Keep your paws dry. Riley and Bogy will miss you. I take that back Riley will miss you. Just remember where you come from. After all your travels your still just that same ole river rat from Saltillo. Bon Voyage!!!
